If you could have any super-power what would it be? This question pops up every now and then. I have changed my mind many times, but I think I finally decided that Teleportation/Apparating/Orbing would be the best power.
Ok, flying would be great, but it still takes time, messes up your hair, and requires a certain attire (Superman Cape). Invisibility is handy for spying, gathering information, even for safety reasons, but there are still ways for people to find out where you are (throwing dust on you, etc..).
X-ray vision: we have machines that can do that. But Clark Kent (aka Tom Welling) does look pretty dang good using his X-ray vision! :)
Aquaman's powers: to be honest, a bit creepy. He's like half fish. Don't get me wrong, I love the water, but I'm not THAT impressed.
Being able to instantly travel whether it is 6 feet or 6,000 miles, would be AMAZING. Forget airport lines, security and baggage restrictions. Hhhmmm, it is raining here, but it’s summer in Australia, let me just…oh look, I’m there. Instantaneous! What, there is gonna be a terrorist attack across the country in 5 minutes…..flash, you’re there. I don't think Superman could fly that fast! Think of all the time that could be saved. Wait, the store closes in 10 minutes...flash, you're there! AWESOME!! I am getting a little depressed now that I can’t teleport. Maybe if I sit here and think hard enough.........................................nope, still here. I’ll keep practicing.
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