Okay, we all do laundry and sometimes things go missing. Really, where do those socks go? How is it possible to put 4 socks in the washer and take 3 out of the dryer. I want Mythbusters to investigate this for me! What is the mystery of the missing sock? This is what I think really happens…
Washer: I love the new laundry soap these folks got, it leaves a minty-fresh taste in my mouth…that old juice was like having a bouquet of flowers shoved down my throat.
Dryer: I wish they would switch the dryer sheets. All they buy are the cheap store brand sheets that have no taste. You are so lucky that you get to have fun tastes and refreshing flavors.
Washer: I know! Laundry day is coming up. I hate these days of no action and then they just pile it all on you in one day. It’s just work, work, work! They make you stay up until all hours of the night. It is so frustrating. And they always blame me for all the socks you lose.
Dryer: I am not the one who loses the socks. They never make it in here. I think that you are doing something with them, because there is no possible way that they could mysteriously disappear. What, do they just jump out, last time I checked, socks were just a bunch of old fabric, they are not real. I don’t know why you are making such a big deal about this.
Washer: I hate getting accused of losing socks. It is bad enough that they blame me when their clothes bleed together and they end up with pink sheets, but they should be smart enough to know not to mix whites and reds. It's not that hard to remember!
Dryer: Yeah, right that was entirely your fault! Don’t try to blame them! You had those rust stains and that is what caused the whites to change colors, don’t blame them for something that is your fault.
Washer: You have a lot of nerve saying that…Sock Eater!
Dryer: Color Bleeder!
Washer: That’s it, I am never talking to you again…take all the socks that you want. It’s not my problem
Dryer: Whatever, you probably steal the socks to hide the color damage.
Washer: You are so pathetic!!
Dryer: Whatever…
(wow, i guess in my head the washer and dryer sound juvenile/valley girl!)
Washer and Dryer had fallen asleep. They were exhausted from the previous day--laundry day. The dryer door slowly opened, two eyes peered out into the darkness…I think the coast is clear…let’s make a run for it! And with that the socks hopped down out of the dryer and made their way to freedom.
Somewhere there is a colony of socks, soaking up the rays on a beach. That’s where I would be if I had to be shoved on people’s smelly feet all day.... Really, Jamie and Adam, investigate this please! I would like my socks back!