Monday, April 5, 2010

I sleep with a hammer next to my bed....

I have an irrational fear of the dark. I hate not being able to see what is around me, or if someone is sneaking up on me. (Why someone would be sneaking up on me, I don't really know, but it could happen!) I can’t remember when exactly this happened, but even as a 20-something year old, I hate the dark and sleep with a hammer next to my bed…too uncomfortable for under the pillow. Some people ask, why a hammer? Won’t that be messy? I feel that too many things can go wrong with a gun. Plus, I don’t have to shoot to kill, I can knock out a few knee caps, smash the fingers….plus it’s easier to use. There is absolutely no chance of a misfire/other mechanical malfunction with a hammer.

But back to my fear of the dark… At my parent’s house in CA, I refuse to go outside when it is dark. Once the sun is down, I am inside for the night. I won’t even go on the front porch, opening the door is pushing it as well. On the occasions that I return home after dark, I RUN into the house, never looking back. I imagine I look like a COMPLETE's almost painful to think about.

The sad thing is that I am almost more afraid of the “supernatural” than someone actually attacking me( I blame Hollywood and Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles for that), although the hammer is for intruders. And now, I have a double barrel shotgun in my closet, just in case the hammer isn’t enough. I don’t know if I would actually use this against an intruder, but it does make me feel better knowing it is there each night. So, to would be intruders: Trespassers will be shot or bludgeoned to death by hammer. You were warned.

My dream is to have a '67 Impala with an arsenal in the trunk like in the picture... by the way, the pic is from Supernatural, of course!

1 comment:

  1. Hold up, now we had shotguns in the tower?? You're totally prepared for all things. I hate the dark too, you know this.
